Wednesday 23 March 2011

Planning Anncillary

Here I am planning to do my ancillary task of an album cover. I have sketched three pictures of how I would like my album cover to look.

Image on the left:

Represents that overnight your life can change. No matter how broke down your life is that can change over night with effort. This album cover will consist of a well built house and a broke down house which will blend in together. There will be a person wearing a hoodie, which you can see the back of and he will be standing in the middle of the house. The connotations are that he is seeing this change.

Colours: The colour scheme will be black and white. Black will show the dark side of life and white showing the bright things in life.

Shots: It will be a close up of the man in the hoodie, but a long shot of the two houses

Image in the middle:

This can be representing two things, which are; conflict or working together. I will have two men looking at each other one will be wearing red and the other blue. These colour schemes were used because these are two gang affiliated colours red represents ‘bloodz’ and blue represents ‘cripz’. These two colours will either represent peace or conflict and this will have the audience in suspense and they will be intrigued.

Colours: The colour scheme that will be used is blue and red; representing two gangs ‘bloodz’ and ‘cripz’ the background colour will be a neutral white.

Shots: A close up emphasising emotion on their faces.

Image on the right:

This image can represent closeness or hate for one another. I will have the two artists back to back. One of the men will have blue on the other red this is because of the 'bloodz' and 'cripz' gang conflict. I would have the background black to empthysis their clothing.

Shots: I would choose to have a mid shot as it shows body language, works well with 'two shot'.

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