Wednesday 21 July 2010

What Im Doing?

I am not sure of what I want to do yet as all of the options seem like they will be challenging and fun. I will research into the ones I am interested in and that will help me make my mind up and will give me more in depth look and will help towards my practical piece.
When I look into film trailer I know that I will have to think of a whole film and then take scenes out of it and make sure they look interesting to the audience they need to be able to make the audience understand some of the story but not too much that they know all the story line.
Where as when I look at short film I know that I will need to fit a lot of content into a short space of time. I know that the camera movement will be changing all of the time and I need to use interesting camera shots.
If i choose to make a music video I will need to think of a narrative to the music video and I would like it certain aspects to resemble the conventions in the music genre that I will be using, I would need to have interesting shots and make sure the scene doesn't last for long as I want the audience to enjoy it.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Reserch On Music Vidoes

I have researched music videos on YouTube we seen how different genres of music use different lighting and shots. The hip-hop music genre use the camera tilted up because it shows the artist/actor to be higher and superior, where as indie genres use the camera on a face to face level to show equality. Hip hop videos tend to use dark lighting. Their isn't makeup used in the hip hop genre; in contrast to pop videos where there was a lot of make up. In hip hop and videos they tend to use big mansions and locations of a high standard reinforcing their wealth where as in grime videos they shoot on streets and in unpleasant buildings showing that they have a rough lifestyle. I have realised that in grime video the costume that males tend to wear are, dark colours in which the audience cannot see any brand names and tend to have large chains. In hip hop videos they tend to show brand names and have bright colours so the audience are aware of their wealth.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Technical Creativity

In the lesson we had a task to film on the theme of suspicion and we didn't use any editing, we needed to use the camera effectively. We filmed Himilay trying to break into a car and Matt and I spotted him. We used techniques such as
  • Point of view shots
  • Discovery shots
  • Over the shoulder shots
We had 5-10 minutes to complete the tasks. I learnt from this that not all creativity is done using editing and will make me think about camera shots and how to use the camera effectively in my practical production.